Daily Program of the Conference
| Post date: 2020/02/17 |
By clicking on the following link, you can download the daily program of the conference.
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The Book of Extended Abstracts in 12-th Iranian Group Theory Conference
| Post date: 2020/02/17 |
Dear 12th Iranian Group Theory Conference participants, the book of extended abstracts is now available. Please click on the link for downloading.
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Submitting of manuscripts for publishing
| Post date: 2020/03/18 |
Participants of 12th Iranian Group Theory Conference are encouraged to submit their papesr to International Journal of Group Theory ( http://ijgt.ui.ac.ir/ ) under the "Manuscript Type" entitled "12th Iranian Group Theory Conference" until end of April 2020. Submitted papers will be under usual refereeing process.
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12th Iranian Group Theory Conference
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 26 December 2019
- Conference: 18-19 February 2020
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